Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Foster Care

I'm happy to announce that Jeff and I have decided to do foster care. We just had our first interview and we are now on our way. We start training classes in July. Classes are four hours long, twice a week for a total of 32 hours of training. Then we have to do paperwork and a home study. We're pretty excited about it. We have some friends that do foster care and thought it was something we could and wanted to do. We've actually been thinking about it for quite a while but are just now getting serious about it. We are doing it with the hopes of adopting, but know that that could take a while and the ultimate goal of foster care is getting the children back with their biological families. We figured that if we had our way, we would already have 2-4 biological kids of our own, but since we don't, we might as well use our resources by helping kids that need a home and a family. So, that is what we will be up to, starting in July! Wish us luck!


Cori Henderson said...

Good for you guys! My sister has been thinking about doing the same thing. You guys will be wonderful foster parents!

Tami said...

Nichole that is the coolest thing ever. Good for you guys those kids are will be very lucky to have you!!

Holly said...

nichole that is so sweet. I know you will be so good at it, those kids will deffinetly need someone like you to help them through thier hard times. that is amazeing thing you guys are doing.

The Catmull Crowd said...

That is so awesome! We know a few people that have done the fostering thing and have loved it. You guys will do great... GoOd LuCk!

Autumn said...

TOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously! Wow. I've thought about this too. For a mixed bag of reasons we haven't signed up (yet) but we would possibly do it down the road! We did a "kinship" for 6 weeks with someone we knew. So many kids need help. I think its GREAT that you're helping!! Please keep me updated!!

Bennett Family said...

That is amazing...you guys are awesome. I didn't realize that you had to do training. interesting.

The CHAFFIN'S said...

Nichole...this is the craziest thing ever because Steve and I were just talking about doing this exact thing on our Anniversary! Great minds think alike! I'm not sure how soon we would do it but it was something that we just brought up. GOOD LUCK TO YOU and I know the kids that have the opportunity to come through your home will only be better because of your families example!!! GOD BLESS YOU! Love always!!!

Laura said...

I am Cori's sister who has been thinking about it. The reason why is because we were giving away kitties and this cute family came to get some with the most gorgeous dark hair, dark eyed little girl. Everyone else had blonde hair and blue eyes. I asked about her and they told me they adopted her through the foster care program. She was so beautiful and good natured. I have been thinking about it ever since.

Andrea - said...

Nichole- I think this is great! I read a friend's blog today and it made me think of you. Not sure if this info will be useful or helpful, but here is the link if you want it...