Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our One Night Adventure

Last night we went up by Mirror Lake. Jeff has a couple of jobs up there and he needed to go up and check on some things, so we decided to make a little overnight camping trip of it. We had the option of sleeping in a partially finished cabin (one Jeff is doing work for) or the tent. It was getting dark and the weather was questionable so I voted for the cabin, but Hudson thought differently. His vote apparently outweighs mine because we wound up driving around in the dark looking for a spot. We went up by Christmas Meadows (isn't that the cutest name?) and found a good little spot away from everyone and set the tent up and pretty much went to bed. What an awful night it was! It rained, it was cold, our new air mattress went flat, and I had about a foot of sleeping space with Hudson jabbing me and farting on me all night. We did hear coyotes howling in the middle of the night which was cool, but morning couldn't come soon enough for Jeff and I. Hudson, on the other hand, slept like a log.
We finally got up around 7:00 and Jeff started a fire so we could warm up because it was cold! Then it started raining. Then it started hailing. We hurried and ate some cold cereal and packed up and got out of there. Jeff and Hudson were still dying to go fishing despite the miserable weather so we stopped by a few little lakes. Here they are fishing at Butterfly Lake. Notice the pleasant weather conditions? It's about 33 degrees and windy.

When we started our trip I told Jeff if I saw a moose I would be happy. We saw this beauty on our way home!
Have you ever seen a moose kneel down to eat? Us either. Or maybe she was blessing her food?

We stopped by Provo Falls. Please don't take notice of my flat, greasy, camp hair. Ugh.
Look. The one who got the most sleep still conked out on the way home. I just thought he looked pretty cute with the snake around his neck.


Bennett Family said...

I totally know Mirror Lake...that is where our cabin is, if I had known you could have stayed there-way better than a tent!

Tami said...

WOw you are such a good sport! I would not have been a happy camper! That moose is so cool that is lucky that you saw it! That will be a good memory for you guys to have!

Misty said...

Wow, that looks really cold! It rained on us Friday night too.. but luckily the worst of it ended prior to us going to bed. But we camped up in the Uinta's the weekend before last and it was rainy and cold then too! Brrr... Good for you for braving it out!

B +E + L said...

Bryan has told me about Christmas Meadows he loves it. I've never been. I'll have to make sure I go on a warmer day :)

Blackham said...

How much fun.That would have been so fun to see a moose.Hudson is such a cutie with that snake around his neck

Cori Henderson said...

I've never been there before but it looks cool. I hate camping when its cold! You look like your freezing! Cute pics though, and I love the moose!

Holly said...

i love how you guys are always going camping! always looks so fun! and that moose is a beauty! when are we going to do something hmmmmmmm call me sometime!