Thursday, April 29, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

I think this is the most accurate one (above). CRAZY!

I asked him about putting some hair on top of my head, he said "No way. I don't like it."

I've always tried to get Hudson to draw pictures of me, a dog, a fish...anything. He would always say "I don't know how". Or he would start with a circle and then just start scribbling over it. I admit I was getting a little worried about his progress. Then the other day out of the blue, he just started drawing all these pictures of me! I was so excited!
Lately he's also suddenly become really good at letter recognition and sounds. It seems like he harbors information in his little head and doesn't let us know how much he really knows until he's ready and then he SHOCKS us with how much he knows!


H: When I grow up I want to wear big pants!

After asking Hudson what he wants to do when he grows up:

H: I want to work with you, Daddy. I want to cut wood. With a knife.

Hudson had picked a flower (weed type)

H: It's ruined!
N: Did you ruin it?
H: No
N: That's why there's dead flowers on your lap?
H: It just melted.


H: Want to play Darbies with me? (He calls his Little People toys Darbies. ??? He also called me Darby a few times a few weeks back.)


Hudson has recently learned how to play tic-tac-toe and how to draw his own grid. Yesterday he decided to practice with an orange marker (luckily it was a Crayola washable!) on the counter. After Jeff caught him and called me in to see what he had done, we told him it wasn't okay to draw on the counters. Then we hid our faces from Hudson and snickered with each other about how cute it was!
The traditional X's and O's don't seem to be a firm rule for Hudson. He's been know to make his mark with U's and W's. I'm sure this is going to be a favorite past time in church now for Jeff and Hudson.

He's also completely obsessed with "making cards". He LOVES using scissors, cutting papers up into hundreds of pieces, coloring on them (his preference is markers...of course. More mess for me.), and then folding them and taping them up. I'm going through paper, markers and tape like there's no tomorrow.


Cori Henderson said...

I love those faces! How cute is he?! I love it when they shock you with all they know.

The Catmull Crowd said...

I agree his artwork is pretty cute! and as far as the card making I can relate my 4 yr old is all into "craft time" as she calls it. Sometimes it can be a pain to pull out the scissors... I know what I have to clean up later!

Misty said...

These pictures are darling! I love your memories that you shared with me, it's crazy that we remember the little things like that from when we were soooo young!