Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Snakes and Dragons

Hudson loves the movie Toy Story and quotes it quite a bit. He drew this on the driveway and said "There's a snake in my boot!". I laughed out loud it was so cute!

Here's Hudson sporting 2 of his newest possessions: a wiggle car and dragon jammies with a cape (on clearance at Walmart for $3!). I don't think he'll be without either much this summer.

Oh the things you can do when you're a dragon!


Hudson just cracks me up with the things he says. I need to do better at writing them down. Here are just a couple of recent ones:

H: Do you like the shade brown?

H: Can I have more ingredients? (noodles)

He also gets a kick out of calling me names that I have no idea where he hears them. The only ones I can remember right now are Amanda, Savannah, Dorthea, and Miss Johnson???

He also has a pretty wicked cowboy and English accent. He's such a funny kid.


Jake said...

I'm laughing about the name calling!! WHAT?! Hilarious! Sweet ride-I've always thought those wiggle things are awesome. Nice pic! Pretty realistic to me!

Holly said...

he is so cute i love it! the name calling is to funny! sylvan is going through a phase where im either sonic or mario it cracks me up!