Monday, December 15, 2008

Mr. Krueger's Christmas

My favorite part is when Mr. Krueger visits the baby Jesus and is talking to him just like a normal person. I think that is how prayer should be, and our relationship with Christ. I am far from that, but I think it is so genuine and sincere and sweetly depicted in this movie. I cry every time. What would you say to the baby Jesus if you were there? Think about it!

You can find the DVD for only $4.50 at an LDS distribution center or online at


Holly said...

i know i cry everytime i watch that too. ive been meaning to tell you how much i LOVED! your birthday card!! and thanks so much for! i forgot what nerds we were! lol merry christmas

Cori Henderson said...

I love that movie too. So sweet and sad at the same time. I should watch it since I have been feeling scrooge like. Its a nice reminder of what Christmas is all about.