Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A New Perspective

I think it's so important this busy time of year to have those little reminders to keep Christ in Christmas. Some of you may know I love art and soI love seeing different artists perspectives of the birth of Christ. I think we get so used to the one or two that we use within our churches or just in our own homes. So, as a daily reminder to myself from now until Christmas, I thought I would just put a new picture of the nativity scene or baby Jesus on the top of our blog every day (or almost everyday). It will be hard to choose from so many beautiful and unique ones!
This also reminds me.....
There is a creche exhibit in Goshen that we went to a couple of years ago, but I haven't been able to find any info. on if for this year. There is also one in Midway. If you get the opportunity to go.... go! I loved seeing the creches from all over the world. I love that even though we may all see the birth of the Savior in different colors of skin, different clothes, different surroundings, etc., we are all celebrating the same thing--the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Tami said...

Wow thats so great! I am excited to see all the pictures that you find. What a good idea!

The CHAFFIN'S said...

What a beautiful IDEA! I look forward to seeing each and everyone of them! Thanks so much for all you do! LOVE YOU!