Sunday, March 22, 2009

Green Eggs, Ice Cream, & Oakley

For St. Patrick's Day breakfast I made Hudson green scrambled eggs on a green plate with a green fork, and green milk in a green cup. That's about as festive as we got for the holiday, besides wearing green shirts.

Here are just some pics of our dog, Oakley while we were out enjoying a warm day:

I love this one ^ of the tongue hanging out!

The ice cream truck had been hanging out in our neighborhood forever. We were trying to explain to Hudson where the music was coming from. He finally came by our house and was stopped across the street. I promised Hudson I would get him some ice cream from the ice cream truck at least once this summer. Jeff didn't think that was good enough and took him right then to go get an ice cream. See, I told you he was a good daddy!


The CHAFFIN'S said...

So cute! I love your family so much!

Blackham said...

Love the new backdrop. That looks like a pretty amazing breakfast!!! You are a good moma

Bennett Family said...

I have heard you say Oakley before and now I know who you are talking about!