Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Samantha!

So as I'm starting to do these birthday "shout-outs" to my siblings, I am realizing I have slim to nil pics of them, and the ones I do have (at least in my computer) are at least a few years old. I'll have to start taking more pictures of them.
Anyway, Happy Birthday to my little sister Samantha! She will be turning 9 tomorrow (which is my birthday, too!). I think she was 5 in this picture (see...I am terrible).
Samantha and her mom (Samantha and I have different mom's, same dad) are in Switzerland (where my bonus mom and her family is from) for the next few months to help my step-sister who is going to be having a baby soon. They said they would read our blog while they were there so this is for them...

Hi guys! Hope you are having fun!
Dad came to our house today and we had a nice visit. Thanks for the gifts! Samantha,

I am so amazed at your talent in making crocheted things! I love the
hot pad you made me! Thank you! And thanks for the gift card. That will be so fun!
Samantha, I'm sorry I didn't get you a gift before you left, but I will try to get
something in the mail to you soon. But I hope you know I love you
and will be thinking about you on your birthday and sending you lots
of birthday wishes! Love, Nichole


Cori Henderson said...

Hope she has a happy birthday. Switzerland sounds nice.

Tami said...

So that means it was your birthday too! Happy Birthday Nichole!! Hope it was a good one.