Monday, March 2, 2009


After church Hudson headed straight for the backyard, and fell in the mud.

Matthew 4:19 "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Hudson was assigned to give a scripture in primary yesterday. Of course Jeff wanted him to do one about fishing. We worked on it with him all week and he memorized it beautifully. Of course when it came time for him to get up and say it, he froze up and didn't say a word. But I was pretty proud that my 3 year old has a scripture memorized!


Cori Henderson said...

He's so cute! That sounds like something Sierra would do, with the mud. Kinda frustrating, but still funny. That's great he has a scripture memorized!

The CHAFFIN'S said...

WAY TO GO HUDSON!!!! You are amazing! Good JOB to the MOM & DAD too for teaching him and instilling in his life the wonderful Gospel & scriptures. Love you

Autumn said...

WOW!! so impressive and so cute. Holy cow, I just saw Jeff looking at me (but it was Hudson). I'm sure I'll see you too-I just need to study more pictures.