Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I've been meaning to do this post forever. Hudson's 4th birthday was November 17th, and Jeff's was the 18th. I threw together a last minute little birthday party with our neighbor friends.

The dog theme.

The cake didn't turn out quite as cute as I was planning, due to not finding the right kind of candy for the eyes, but oh well.

On the other hand, the pinata I made turned out quite well, I thought!

And sadly, this is the best picture I got of Jeff on his (now under- celebrated) birthday, opening up some shirts. I did get him cowboy boots for his real birthday gift, but I ordered them online and they came about a week late. He loves them, though, so that's good.

Happy Birthday to my 2 favorite guys! I love you both so much!


Holly said...

aww happy late birthday! we should get together next year because sylvans birthday is on the 19th! right close to hudsons

Cori Henderson said...

What cute cakes! Looks like way fun birthdays!