Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hudson's Birthday Q&A

Here is an interview I conducted with Hudson on his 4th birthday. I don't necessarily believe all his answers. For example, he hardly ever eats toast. And some answers were just out of the blue and I had no idea what he was talking about. But I wrote down exactly what he answered. How he says some things is so cute.
(After I posted this, Jeff asked Hudson the same questions. The ones in italics are his answers to Jeff tonight. If they were the same answers I just left them normal. Some pretty funny ones.)

First words he said on his birthday: "My bum scratches."

Breakfast: Toast, Peanut & Jelly Sandwich
Lunch: Peanut & Jelly Sandwich
Dinner: Pizza, Cereal
Movie: Lightning A-Queen (Cars), the Christmas one
TV show: Clifford the Big Red Dog, Bob the Builder
Thing to do with Daddy: Play, Wrestle
Thing to do with Mommy: Play, Kiss
Candy: Suckers
Toy: Gun, Flashlights
Thing to do outside: Play baseball, Football
Animal: Dog
Color: Pink
Song: I Am a Child of God
Drink: Chocolate milk, Water
Book: I don't know, the star book
Store: Macey's (I believe this is due to getting ice cream cones, suckers and treats at the checkout line, and getting to ride in car carts.)

What are you scared of? Monsters downstairs, I'm not scared of anything
What makes you happy? Not monsters, Mommy
What makes you sad? Spanking, Daddy (Sad! He really does love his daddy! And we try not to spank.)
What do you like about you? Playing with my pinata, my camouflage pants
Who is your best friend? Macee and Kaige (our next door neighbors)
Do you like girls? No! I don't like any girls! I just like you! (Gives me a hug and kiss), yes
Who's your girlfriend? You are.
What do you want to do when you're as big as Daddy? Play Chik-O-Lay (Chik-Fil-A. He wants to work in the fast food industry? haha), play football
What do you wish you could do? Eat an apple and licorice, Eat popcorn and m&m's and watch a movie
What kind of birthday party do you want next year? I had a birthday, a dog one.

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