Monday, July 14, 2008

Card of the Month

A while ago my friend Tiffany invited me to be a member of a card group she was in. So I joined. It wasn't quite what I expected...or should I say who I expected. I thought it would be all younger girls our age. But when I got there, it was mostly "older" women, although they wouldn't claim to be "old". They are a lot of fun and I've enjoyed my one night a month card exchange night.
There are 12 ladies in the group (including me), so each month we all make 12 cards. We usually have a theme: Christmas, fall, birthday, thank you...whatever. Then we meet at someone's house, have treats, visit, and exchange our cards. Lately we have been doing some kind of craft as well. Now we have decided to make a couple of cards there. We are taking turns, each person bringing the stuff to make a card and maybe teach us a new trick or technique. There are some talented people in the group with some cool ideas.
Anyway, this months theme was Christmas (Christmas in July!), but I wasn't feeling it, so I did my own thing, but I do have Christmas colors in it! I just wanted to share my creation and my obsession for making cards! I'll probably start posting my monthly creations from now on!


Holly said...

oh sure join a card club! but stampin up isnt good enough! lol jk i actually didnt do it either. but i like your new background.

Tami said...

what a great idea, I love that. We have a group that is simialr and we make family home evening lesson's. It's so fun and we get such cute lessons for little kid's. I never thought I would get into stuff like that either. But I love it!

Misty said...

I love the cards... did you design them both? I wish I had more time to create cards, I love to make them when I actually have a minute to sit down and do it.