Friday, November 7, 2008

Calling all kids from the 80's

I still have some She-Ra paper dolls.

I used to have a Jem doll.

I still have the small yellow popple!

I have a paper that my mom had written of things I did or liked as a kid. It says I liked watching He-Man and I would stand on the fireplace and (I think I might have had a plastic sword?) shout "By the power of Grey Skull!" and jump off. How cool is that? I was probably 4 or 5.

I remember this one so vividly and now it is just CREEPY! I used to have one of these dolls, too.

I loved this show and couldn't remember what it was called, but I finally found it! This one was a favorite.

These are all shows I remember as a kid, some from even being like 3 or 4 years old. Wow. Did we really watch that much tv back then? And I know there are even more that I could have posted, but I thought this was already going a little overboard. Alf, Full House, Dennis the Menace, Sesame Street, Strawberry Shortcake, Pound Puppies, Mr. Rogers, the original Loony Tunes...They don't make them like they used to. What shows do you remember watching as a kid?


Cori Henderson said...

I loved those! I used to pretend I was Rainbow Bright all the time and that I could ride my pony along a rainbow. Good memories.

Tiare said...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane! I loved Smalle wonder. And the one with the manican and muffy the mouse was called "Today's Special". I loved that one too!

The CHAFFIN'S said...

Holly cow talk about bringing back old memories!!! I loved the show that has Witchy Pooh and Jimmy Buffet and his flute... I don't remember the shows name... Something like Jimmy Buffet and puff and stuff... GOOD STUFF though!!!