Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Tag

I was tagged by Cori.

1. Egg Nog or Hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate! I can only enjoy about a tablespoon of egg nog each year. That's enough for me.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? I'm going to have to say he wraps them, unless it's odd shaped or too big.

3. Colored lights on a tree/house or white? I used to be a clear lights person, but it seemed like that was what everyone did, and the last few years I think I have kind of wanted to revert back to my childhood and get colored lights. We did colored lights on the house last year, but my (pre-lit) tree is clear lights. I think we are going to cut our own tree down this year, so I'll probably put colored lights on it.

4. Do I hang mistletoe? Can't say I've ever hung mistletoe.

5. When do I put up my decorations? I try to be strong and hold out until the day after Thanksgiving. It used to be to wait until December 1st, but I get way too excited long before that.

6. What is my favorite holiday dish? Well, it's not a really a dish. It's a drink. My mom's wassail. I LOVE it! She makes it every year. It warms the tummy and the soul!

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child: I can't really pin point one memory. I just loved not being able to sleep on Christmas Eve because of the anticipation of waiting to see what Santa would bring.

8. When and how did I learn the truth about Santa? The truth that Santa exists? I probably learned that Santa EXISTED when I was around 2 or 3. I know he exists. I have pictures to prove it.

9. Do we open a Christmas gift on Christmas Eve? Sometimes.

10. How do I decorate our tree? The last few years it has been clear lights, fat red/cream/green plaid ribbon, rusty tin stars and other rusty tin ornaments, and berry sprigs with a big rusty tin star on top. I think this year will be different since we'll probably be cutting our own tree.

11. Can I ice skate? Not gracefully. Quite horribly, actually, but I can. It's been a while.

12. Can I remember my favorite gift? There were lots of them. I remember getting my little yellow Popples...and I still have it. I was also pretty stoked to get my first CD player/stereo.

13. What is the most important thing about the holidays for me? Not being stressed and just trying to relax and take it all in and enjoy it and remember what Christmas is all about. I try to read a little Christmas story or something everyday in December that is about the Savior.

14. What is my favorite holiday dessert? I can't think of just one but I love to get those really crappy caramels with the white cream in the middle in my stocking. I love them!

15. What is my favorite holiday tradition? I love getting together with my mom's family on Christmas Eve. We have dinner, usually have a good Christmas movie on, and then the girls (and sometimes the guys) get together and play bingo for little prizes that we've found on sale throughout the year. This year I've really gotten into it and have been stocking up on prizes. Santa usually makes an appearance, also. And my grandma gives us things like toothbrushes.

16. What tops my tree. A star

17. What do I prefer - Giving or receiving? Both. I think it's so much more fun as a parent to give, though and watch their little faces as they open their presents.

18. What is my favorite Christmas song? I honestly can't choose. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is Christmas music! I love all the classing songs by people like Bing Crosby.

19. Candy Canes? I might eat one the whole year. The wrapping is impossible to get off, they break and crumble, they are an awkward shape, and after you suck them for a while they get those sharp edges that cut your tongue. Can't say I'm a huge fan.

20. Do I feel Christmas is too commercialized? Yes and no. I think the stores obviously want to sell sell sell. That's their job. But I love walking into a store that is all decorated, smells like cinnamon pine cones, Christmas music in the background. I think it's as commercialized as you want to make it. Just because the stores make it all about the presents, doesn't mean you have to, too. I think shopping is one of the fun things about Christmas because I try not to get stressed about it, and I don't make it the most important part of my holiday. (I've found getting shopping done early makes me feel like it's less commercialized because I'm not out in the hustle and bustle.)

I tag Holly, Teresa, Marie, Ashley, Gina and anyone who wants to do it!

1 comment:

Cori Henderson said...

I loved that you did this! Its fun to see what your answers are and all your Christmas traditions. Fun stuff.