Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I went to a chiropractor and got acupuncture today! We are going to try it for a while for my infertility. I wasn't too nervous until I actually got on the table and he started taking the needles out. Then I got really nervous when he told me 4 of them were going in my stomach! But it wasn't bad at all. I got 2 needles in each foot, 2 or 3 in each arm/hand, and the 4 in my stomach.
I also got my back adjusted and that was pretty cool and I really do feel better! I also got the electro-stimulation pad things on my shoulders with a hot pad and that was pretty relaxing. It almost felt like a little pampering session!
I am going two times this week, then probably on a weekly basis for a while. We'll see how it goes. I'm pretty interested to see what the results will be!


Cori Henderson said...

I hope this works for you!! I'm glad it wasn't bad, I would have been scared to death:) Good to know.

Bennett Family said...

Isn't it amazing to what extremes we go to have a baby? Where are you getting it done?

Tami said...

Yay I am so excited that you are taking this approach. My Grandma has always been a very sick woman and has used acupuncture for the last couple of years. It is amazing the leaps and bounds she has made with her health. Her and my Grandpa have tried so many things they truely believe that this has made all the difference. Good luck!

Nichole W. said...

I am getting it done at Dr. Steven Baker in Orem. He's pretty cool.
Tami, I am glad to hear it has helped your grandma. The Dr. seems pretty confident it will help me...we'll see!

Holly said...

oowwwww i hate needles! im glad it dudnt hurt! looks like it would hurt girl! im glad you got to have a lil pamper time though! that must of been soooonice. i really like that family pic of you guys you are so pretty still! how do you still look the same!

Rustin @ BlogFrog said...

Hey Nichole, I just read your comment on my blog and I am still laughing. Yes, that was me in that class. It was aquaculture except we didn't have any fish so we had to invent things to do like hoisting chairs up on the crane. Do you remember when we hooked it to my beltloop instead of the chair? Good times.

The CHAFFIN'S said...

Keep the faith! I know it will happen for you! You deserve it sister! Love you!

Autumn said...

VERY interesting! I know accupuncture has done a lot to help things I wouldn't normally expect-my sister was able to flip her baby the day before she delivered, and I know a guy who cold turkey stopped smoking after he did accupuncture. I hope it works!