Monday, May 18, 2009

Art Blog

I usually hate when people ask me what I do with my time or what I like to do. I feel like I'm a pretty boring person. I just do the stay at home mom stuff. Laundry. Dishes. Yard work. Vacuuming. Pour a bowl of cereal. Read a story to Hudson. Wipe Hudson's bum after he goes potty. You know. Mom stuff.
But when I get asked this question I usually fall back on my old reliable answer to sound at least the tiniest bit interesting--art. But then I know what question will follow which makes me uneasy as well. "What kind of art?" or "What are you working on?". The answers are "I don't know. A little of everything." and "Nothing".
My Grandma Schumann, who is an artist, has been all over me for years about getting out the paints and just doing something. I am a terrible granddaughter as I usually just fan her away and try to get out of the conversation. I don't know what it is. I think I fear failure. I read an article today that probably sums it up pretty well:

Fear of failure causes delayed or abandoned projects. One way to avoid failure is to never start. Otherwise you may learn something you would rather not know. For example, you may think of yourself as an artistic person. If you never try to paint a picture, you don't risk learning the truth. Perhaps you could become a great artist. Fear of failure prevents you from finding out. Fear makes anything you want to do appear difficult and unpleasant.

Yup. I think that's me. So....
I am no longer going to fear failure! I think I'll try to take the plunge. I might make an art blog (because everything is more fun if you blog about it!) and try to get back into it. I'm always looking at things with an artistic eye. The other day Jeff and I were watching Dirty Jobs and they were working at the Le Brea tar pits in California (which I thought would actually be a pretty cool job. They find dinosaur bones and stuff in there and I loved that it was almost all women working there. It would also just be a cool place to visit someday.) . So in this pit I was looking at the old tarry wall behind them thinking that would make a cool painting. I see things like this all the time. I guess I also fear that if I painted something like that, people wouldn't appreciate it or would say "anyone can paint that".
Or I lay awake at night and have fabulous ideas that are gone by morning. Or I can visualize a painting in the scenery while we are on a 4-wheeler ride but don't have a camera with me or don't want to stop everyone every 5 minutes to take a picture.

Pit 91. Le Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles, California

I'm just making excuses. Dumb ones. I'm gonna do it. It makes it easier for me when I commit myself to the 5 of you. :) I'll make an art blog and hopefully post some projects once in a while. I'll let you know when I get it going. Thanks for reading this long schpeel.


Unknown said...

That's cool. You're an inspiration.

Cori Henderson said...

Sounds like fun.

Misty said...

I totally understand the failure thing. Good to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I wish I was more creative, so jealous of those who are!

I think the art blog is a great idea! Let me know when it's up and running.

Autumn said...

Wow that's me in so many ways!! It is so easy for me to put off projects, and I think that quote is true! Another reason I think is the opposite-fear of success. If you're good at it, you'll keep it up, it will take time, the next thing you know, you'll be on the news doing interviews-are we ready to take on that lifestyle? Thanks, I can't wait to keep up with your art blog! ps, what is "nicholeisphat?"