Friday, January 9, 2009

Enjoy the show

Last night I sang just the "Dum de dum, dudum de dum..." part of this song, and out of nowhere Hudson sings "Just enjoy the show!" Jeff looks at me and says "Did you hear that?" I didn't hear him, so I didn't believe Jeff and thought Hudson must have just said something that sounded like it. But we sang it again and Hudson finished the song again. I can't remember if he did the "I want my money back" part on his own, but he knows it pretty good! I just thought it was weird since I don't he has heard that song very often? It's almost scary how much these kids pick up. It sure keeps Jeff and I trying to be on our best behavior when it comes to what we say!
Anyway, I thought it was too cute and had to record him doing it today. (The song should be playing if you don't know what song I'm talking about.)

**Oh, and you might notice Hudson licking his chin over and over. What is that all about? He's been doing it for a couple of weeks now...ALL THE TIME, and it's driving me crazy! He always has a slobbery chin. AND thanks for the lunch ideas and advice about digital scrapping. I guess I"ll have to see if I can get Photoshop....someday.


Cori Henderson said...

That is so adorable! Brielle did the same thing with that Hot & Cold song and completely shocked me. Luckily we always listened to the edited version or I'd be in trouble. So funny just how much these little people are sponges.

Blackham said...

I love that little boy. He is so dang cute. I couldn't figure out the backdrops so Nick sat down and figured it out for me. It makes me so mad I can work on something for days and he can sit down and figure it out in minutes. Anyway, I know how to do it now so if you need help call me. Talk to you later!

Misty said...

I like the part where he falls off the couch. lol He's really cute Nichole.

Gina said...

What a cutie! It's so funny when they do surprising things. Can I just say you are so good at staying on top of posting on your blog. I'm trying to get better! You inspire me Ü