Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Potty Training

I have started to potty train Hudson today. So far he's had one accident and one tiny tinkle on the potty, but I still made a big deal of it and he got a matchbox car, treats, and stickers. He was pretty excited and wanted to go again right after to get another car. I hope this all goes smoothly because I hate sitting and waiting in the bathroom. Neither the side of the tub or the floor is very comfy...
Wish us luck!


Tami said...

That is so weird!!! I just started potty training Brooklyn today too. She is doing pretty good so far. She has had two accidents but for the last hour or two she has done really well. I hate waiting in the bathroom too. I cant wait until she is potty trained!

The CHAFFIN'S said...

Your such a good Mom to sit and wait! Maybe if I were to sit and look patient it might help me out instead of standing there watching & thinking could you hurry I gotta go too... LOL!!! Patients is one of my New Year Resolutions... to have more of it! Love ya tons! Good JOB HUDSON for going potty!!!!

Cori Henderson said...

GOod luck with that! I am not having any luck with Sierra who is turning three on Sunday! If I had more patience, she could probably be there, but unfortunately I'm a bit short on that. Good for you!