Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hat Pins

I know, I know. It's getting ridiculous. I'll blog about anything and everything, these days, but I'm so bored when Jeff is gone! Anyway, Jeff took me to Lagoon last week (thanks, babe!) Because Jeff was trying to walk off some motion sickness, we were checking out those old buildings that no one goes in that have all the old stuff in them. (Pioneer Village?) Well, in the upstairs of one of those buildings were a bunch of old dresses, hats, and some old hat pins. For some reason I fell totally in love with the hat pins and decided that I want to start collecting them! I just think they are so pretty in a funky kind of way, and they are little knobs of tiny artwork on a long metal stabby thingy! And grouped together, they look like little bouquets of jewel encrusted abstract flowers. I love it! So I looked a little on e-bay and decided I could get myself into a lot of trouble just buying hat pins! Anyway, I thought I'd just share my new, quirky interest. If I ever get a good collection going, I'll keep you posted. I know you'll be dying to see. :)


Marie said...

I LOVE old hat pins. My Mom has some really cool ones that were my grandmas and great grandmas. What a great thing to collect! =)

Gina said...

I can see how you would want to collect them. They are pretty cool!