Saturday, October 18, 2008

Scrapbook Pages

It is deer hunting season now, so Jeff was gone all day today. I decided I would awake out of my scrapbooking coma and try to start getting back into the swing of things. I've been needing a creative outlet lately! I am getting so far behind in Hudson's scrapbook--something I vowed I would never do. So, I pretty much neglected Hudson (he only watched Charlotte's Web, The Jungle Book, Cars, and The Aristocats....ok, I'm a bad mom) and set to work. You know how it goes. You think you're going to whip out 20 pages in one day. Well, I decided I needed to get out of my scrapbooking style rut and needed to branch out and try new things and new styles, so that is what I tried to accomplish today. I'm usually more square and symmetrical and structured, where these are more flowing and artsy and piecy. I ended up getting a whopping 2 pages done. And they seriously took me ALL day. I did manage to stop long enough to make lasagna for dinner, though. I think that is the first time in my 7 years of marriage that I have ever made homemade lasagna (thanks to Cori and the What's Cookin' link on the right!) and it was yummy!
Anyway, after all that effort, I wanted to show off my finished product! Of course they look much cuter in person (sorry the pictures aren't that great). Scroll down a couple of blogs to see the real pictures in case you missed them. Oh, and these are the first pages of Hudson's that I have ever added flower embellishments. I hope they don't look too girly? They do it in the magazines all the time for boy pages, I just hope I didn't go overboard. I found my new favorite paper flower from Prima and I was just itching to use them!
And in case anyone is wondering, Jeff didn't get a deer today :(


The CHAFFIN'S said... did such a great job! I really wish I could get into the scrapbooking thing again! I am probably 7 years behind now!!! GREAT! Your pages I hope will inspire me to get going on my own kids....beings I'M the one who got YOU ALL INTO IT!!!! NOW LOOK AT ME!!! I am ashamed of myself! love you

Tami said...

Wow great job they look really really cute. And not girly at all! If I atempted to do that it would take me like a week. I am lazy and do the shutterfly books instead. They arent near as cute.

Cori Henderson said...

I love those pages. I have always loved scrapbooking, but recently I am being converted to digital scrapbooking cause I think it does take forever to do just one page. All the cutting drives me nuts! I do not think they are girly at all!!! So cute! By the way I'm glad you like the lasagna recipe. Its definitely a favorite of mine to make cause its so easy, and it feeds us for a few days.

Marie said...

Those pages are amazing! You think I could come over for some lessons! =)